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Showing posts from July, 2018

Apple Push Notification Implementation

Push Notification IMPORTANT : Make sure you have created APNS certificate and uploaded it to MoEngage dashboard as mentioned in  APNS Certificate/ PEM file  before testing push notification. Adding Push Entitlement to your Project First select your app target, then go to  Capabilities  . Here enable the  Push Notifications  capability for your app as shown below : Uninstall Tracking We make use of silent pushes to track uninstalls. For tracking uninstalls of all the user, enable  Remote Notification  background mode in app capabilities for the same as shown below : NOTE: On enabling  Remote Notification  background mode, we will be able to track uninstalls even for devices where push notification is disabled by the user. Adding UserNotifications framework In iOS10 MoEngage SDK(3.0.0 and above) uses UserNotifications framework for handling Push Notifications. In the App's Target add...

APNS Certificate/ PEM file

APNS Certificate/ PEM file In order to send push notifications to your app, an APNS certificate has to be created for your app and the same has to be converted to .pem format and uploaded to our dashboard. Follow the steps below to create APNS certificate for your app : Generating the Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Open Keychain Access on your Mac (it is in Applications/Utilities) and choose the menu option Request a Certificate from a Certificate Authority. You should now see the following window: Enter your email address here. Enter your app name for Common Name. This allows us to easily find the private key later. Check Saved to disk and click Continue. Save the file as “Yourappname.certSigningRequest”. Go to the Keys section of Keychain Access, you will see that a new private key has appeared in your keychain. Right click it and choose Export. Save the private key as  yourappkey.p12  and enter a passphrase. Creating an App ID an...

Add Custom Checkbox on UITableViewCell or UITableView in Swift 4

Add Custom Checkbox Introduction to how to add custom checkbox on UITableViewCell or UITableView in swift 4 In this tutorial, we are going to learn about how can we create or add custom checkbox on UITableViewCell or UITableView in swift and perform IBAction on our custom checkbox placed on UITableViewCell or UITableView in swift 4. We will place UIButton on UITableViewCell that will act as checkbox for our UITableViewCell in UITableView using swift 4. In the end of this tutorial, we will have output as shown in below picture Learn how to create checkbox in swift from  HERE Steps to create or add custom checkbox on UITableViewCell or UITableView Step 1 :  Create a new Xcode project and select  "Single View App"  template. Name  project as  "addCheckBoxonTable-Tutorial" . Step 2:  Open  "Main.storyboard"  file and drag UITableView object on to the view. Then we will add constraints to UITableView so that it fits...